Colorectal imaging

Surgical planning vEUA

Motilent has developed a rapid workflow for marking up perineal anatomy and disease targeted at surgical and medical management of simple and complex perianal fistula. Our technology has additionally seen growing use in colorectal cancer where surgeons need richer information when conducting complex and life impacting procedures.

A 3D model of pelvic anatomy in minutes

Virtual EUA (or vEUA) is our 3D modelling technology that allows a skilled clinical professional to create a model of the relevant anatomy in under 2 minutes.

The internal and external sphincters and levator plate are interpolated based on the patient's anatomy to create an anatomically representative model.

Mark up the fistula tract

Using a volumetric segmentation tool to semi-automatically demarcate the fistula tract, including branches.

vEUA is not an ‘AI’ and is dependent on the skill of the user to identify anatomy and trace the fistula path. The model does, however, capture key anatomical information, e.g., in this case, where the horseshoe fistula passes through the levator plate.

Communicate with your colleagues and patients

Google Maps works because it provides a clear, visual depiction of your path to the destination.

vEUA aims to do the same job, helping both surgeons and radiologists communicate, as well as surgeons with their patients. vEUA is not yet FDA cleared or CE marked but is available for investigational use.

Measure disease activity in complex perianal Fistula

For complex fistula, mapping of the anatomy is not enough. Crohn’s patients often need the help of powerful anti-inflammatory medications to promote healing in addition to surgical drainage.

pTRACK is our markup tool for medical management providing summary statistics for measuring fistula volume, tract tortuosity and a suite of tools for completing validated indices (e.g MAGNIFI CD and Van Assche).

Treatment response captured earlier

While many scores of disease describe fistula behaviour, few accurately capture treatment response. Volume and image signal (e.g T2) are highly sensitive and can comment on chronicity of disease, presence of fibrosis and change over time.

With expensive and powerful medications in development, a rational and practical way of informing multi-disciplinary teams and their patients around the effect of the therapy is key.

Get in touch if you'd like to learn more