41 publications

MRI-Based Quantification of Pan-Alimentary Function and Motility in Subjects with Diabetes and Gastrointestinal Symptoms

Bertoli D, Mark EB, Liao D, Brock C, Brock B, Knop FK, Krogh K, Frøkjær JB, Drewes AM

MRI-Based Characterization of Intestinal Motility in Children and Young Adults With Newly Diagnosed Ileal Crohn Disease Treated by Biologic Therapy: A Controlled Prospective Study

Jonathan R. Dillman, MD, MSc, Jean A. Tkach, PhD, Rebecca Imbus, BA, RT(R)(MR), Alexander J. Towbin, MD, and Lee A. Denson, MD

Magnetic resonance imaging of the gastrointestinal tract shows reduced small bowel motility and altered chyme in cystic fibrosis compared to controls

Dellschaft NS, Ng C, Hoad C, Marciani L, Spiller R, Stewart I, Menys A, Barr H, Gowland PA, Major G, Smyth AR.

Simultaneous assessment of colon motility in children with functional constipation by cine-MRI and colonic manometry: a feasibility study

Vriesman MH, de Jonge CS, Kuizenga-Wessel S, Adler B, Menys A, Nederveen AJ, Stoker J, Benninga MA, Di Lorenzo C.

Emerging Imaging Biomarkers in Crohn Disease

Bane O, Gee MS, Menys A, Dillman JR, Taouli B.

MR Measures of Small Bowel Wall T2 Are Associated With Increased Permeability

Scott RA, Williams HG, Hoad CL, Alyami A, Ortori CA, Grove JI, Marciani L, Moran GW, Spiller RC, Menys A, Aithal GP, Gowland PA.

Measurement of fasted state gastric antral motility before and after a standard bioavailability and bioequivalence 240 mL drink of water: Validation of MRI method against concomitant perfused manometry in healthy participants

Heissam K, Abrehart N, Hoad CL, Wright J, Menys A, Murray K, Glover PM, Hebbard G, Gowland PA, Baker J, Hasler WL, Spiller RC, Corsetti M, Brasseur JG, Hens B, Shedden K, Dickens J, Mudie DM, Amidon GE, Amidon GL, Marciani L.

Quantitative assessment of terminal ileum motility on MR enterography in Crohn disease: a feasibility study in children

Cococcioni L, Fitzke H, Menys A, Gaunt T, Kumar S, Kiparissi F, Rampling D, Palm L, Taylor SA, Watson TA.

Serum Scoring and Quantitative Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Intestinal Failure-Associated Liver Disease: A Feasibility Study

Fragkos KC, Picasso Bouroncle MC, Kumar S, Caselton L, Menys A, Bainbridge A, Taylor SA, Torrealdea F, Kumagai T, Di Caro S, Rahman F, Macnaughtan J, Chouhan MD, Mehta S.

The MRI colonic function test: Reproducibility of the Macrogol stimulus challenge

Wilkinson-Smith V, Menys A, Bradley C, Corsetti M, Marciani L, Atkinson D, Coupland C, Taylor SA, Gowland P, Spiller R, Hoad C.

Gastrointestinal peptides and small-bowel hypomotility are possible causes for fasting and postprandial symptoms in active Crohn's disease

Khalaf A, Hoad CL, Menys A, Nowak A, Radford S, Taylor SA, Latief K, Lingaya M, Falcone Y, Singh G, Spiller RC, Gowland PA, Marciani L, Moran GW.

Automated versus subjective assessment of spatial and temporal MRI small bowel motility in Crohn's disease

Gollifer RM, Menys A, Plumb A, Mengoudi K, Puylaert CAJ, Tielbeek JAW, Ponsioen CY, Vos FM, Stoker J, Taylor SA, Atkinson D.

Spatio-temporal motility MRI analysis of the stomach and colon

Menys A, Hoad C, Spiller R, Scott SM, Atkinson D, Marciani L, Taylor SA.

The evolution of magnetic resonance enterography in the assessment of motility disorders in children

Menys A, Saliakellis E, Borrelli O, Thapar N, Taylor SA, Watson T.

Cine MRI assessment of motility in the unprepared small bowel in the fasting and fed state: Beyond the breath-hold

Khalaf A, Nowak A, Menys A, Marciani L, Taylor SA, Spiller RC, Gowland PA, Moran GW, Hoad CL.

Quantified Terminal Ileal Motility during MR Enterography as a Biomarker of Crohn Disease Activity: Prospective Multi-Institution Study

Menys A, Puylaert C, Tutein Nolthenius CE, Plumb AA, Makanyanga J, Tielbeek JA, Pendse D, Brosens LA, Rodriguez-Justo M, Atkinson D, Bhatnagar G, Vos F, Stoker J, Taylor SA.

Relationship between MRI quantified small bowel motility and abdominal symptoms in Crohn's disease patients-a validation study

Gollifer RM, Menys A, Makanyanga J, Puylaert CA, Vos FM, Stoker J, Atkinson D, Taylor SA.

Dynamic MRI for bowel motility imaging-how fast and how long?

de Jonge CS, Gollifer RM, Nederveen AJ, Atkinson D, Taylor SA, Stoker J, Menys A.

Semiautomatic Assessment of the Terminal Ileum and Colon in Patients with Crohn Disease Using MRI (the VIGOR++ Project)

Puylaert CAJ, Schüffler PJ, Naziroglu RE, Tielbeek JAW, Li Z, Makanyanga JC, Tutein Nolthenius CJ, Nio CY, Pendsé DA, Menys A, Ponsioen CY, Atkinson D, Forbes A, Buhmann JM, Fuchs TJ, Hatzakis H, van Vliet LJ, Stoker J, Taylor SA, Vos FM.

MRI assessment of the postprandial gastrointestinal motility and peptide response in healthy humans

Khalaf A, Hoad CL, Menys A, Nowak A, Taylor SA, Paparo S, Lingaya M, Falcone Y, Singh G, Spiller RC, Gowland PA, Marciani L, Moran GW.

Semi-automatic bowel wall thickness measurements on MR enterography in patients with Crohn's disease

Naziroglu RE, Puylaert CAJ, Tielbeek JAW, Makanyanga J, Menys A, Ponsioen CY, Hatzakis H, Taylor SA, Stoker J, van Vliet LJ, Vos FM.

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